Ruby Zefo, Chief Privacy Officer at Uber
Chief Privacy Officer at Uber: Part V | Identikit Sequent X

For the fifth episode of ‘Identikit Sequent X’, host Michelle Dennedy welcomes Ruby Zefo, Uber’s first Chief Privacy Officer, to examine the future of a consent-based economy and how consumers can take back ownership and control of their personal data and digital identities.

Ruby believes that privacy and security work best together as a dynamic duo — optimizing both when possible, and when one must sacrifice for the other, understanding all considerations in context. Her team’s mission is to drive Uber’s efforts to be a trusted steward of users’ personal data in every market where Uber operates. She is also co-chair of the Women at Uber Employee Resource Group. Prior to joining Uber, Ruby was a Vice President at Intel Corporation where she served as Chief Privacy & Security Counsel, Group Counsel for the Artificial Intelligence Products Group, and Group Counsel for Intel Security.

Hosted by:

Michelle Dennedy, Former Chief Privacy Officer of Cisco and Intel

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