The Smarter Markets™ Podcast

Robert Friedland, Chair of Ivanhoe Mines

Robert Friedland,  a Renaissance man who founded several successful mining, technology and entertainment companies, speaks to host Erik Townsend openly about his views about the what, who and how of the global energy transition and meeting the  energy demand of future generations.

Mike Green, Partner at Logica Funds

Logica Funds’ Mike Green explains why he and most of the smartest people in finance are in the business of exploiting and profiting from deficiencies of current markets, rather than fixing them. Mike explains why incentives don’t favor fixing what’s broken, and what we need to do to change the system and enable migration to a new generation of Smarter Markets.

Charlie McGarraugh, Chief Strategy Officer for

Charlie McGarraugh is Chief Strategy Officer for, the largest self-custodied crypto wallet provider globally. Previously he was a Goldman Sachs Partner and former head of metals trading, so his native language is finance. In this interview, Charlie explains Tokenization in terms that Finance professionals can relate to, then goes on to explain what this change will mean both to financial markets and to the people who work in them.

Jeff Currie, Global Head of Commodities Research at Goldman Sachs

A superb, hour-long discussion with Commodity Legend, Jeff Currie. This episode sheds light on the politics and market issues facing the investment community in committing fully to renewable energy technologies. Jeff’s commentary helps listeners understand the difficulties in pricing carbon, and why a carbon price is crucial to advancing ESG standards. He delves into the role governments and policy plays in establishing rules for carbon emissions, and helping the market discover a price for emitting carbon into our environment. Jeff focuses our attention on the reality that, to properly incentivise investment in renewable energy technologies, the first step is a clear  mechanism to price carbon.

Maryam Ayati, CEO of NEO Holdings

We sit down with energy industry maverick and market innovator, Maryam Ayati, who leads NEO Holdings. NEO brings established industry giants together with the climate and entrepreneurial ecosystem in mutually profitable models. Together, they identify and operationalize tomorrow’s most valuable new commodities and business models, reinventing energy and extractive supply chains such that they serve planet, people and profit.

Are we facing a crisis of information or a crisis of trust?

Smarter Markets™ brings together the icons and entrepreneurs of technology, commodities and finance to examine how market systems can be redesigned and improved to answer one of the most critical questions of our time.

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